
At a court hearing on the afternoon of June 28, Korean time, the musician’s father pair (Kim Hanbin) appear as witnesses YG Entertainment Producer Liang XianshiAppeal trial for threatening informant underwayA‘.
Yang Hyun-seok was previously accused by informant “A” of threatening to retract her statement to the police after she provided the names of illegal drug buyers to BI in 2016. BI’s illegal drug investigation was successfully covered up at the time, but police reopened the case three years later. As a result, in September last year, BI was convicted of three counts of abusing the illegal drug marijuana and buying the illegal drug LSD. He was sentenced to three years in prison, suspended for four years.
The court of first instance found that there was insufficient evidence to conclude that Yang Hyun-seok directly threatened whistleblower “A”. The prosecution appealed the court’s preliminary decision, and the appeal hearing is currently underway. At a hearing on June 28, BI’s father appeared as a witness and revealed new details of the case, confirming that he paid YG Entertainment 2 million won (about $1,500) in cash, which will be used for Hire a lawyer for informant “A”.
The court revealed that day that BI and his father visited Japan in August 2016, a few days before AikonScheduled to perform in the country. However, BI and his father returned to Korea 3 days before the show because YG Entertainment called to say there was a “problem”. Around the time “A” revealed BI’s name to the police.
After returning to Korea, BI’s father was told by a YGE employee, “Yang Hyun Suk will meet with ‘A’ and set things right, so don’t worry.” BI’s father confirmed he remembered being told about it. He also testified that he did not attempt to personally ask BI if he had used illegal drugs because BI was in poor health at the time.
BI’s father further testified that he wanted to pay Informant A’s lawyer because “I thought ‘A’ lied, and YG should get her a lawyer to correct things. But YG said it was impossible, so I suggested that I pay the lawyer’s fee and gave them the fee. YG also felt that I paid A directly Lawyers would be suspicious, so they acted as middlemen.”
An additional hearing is scheduled for August 25.
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