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Friday, July 26, 2024

By 2030, the healthcare industry will ‘discover a lack of human capital’


As the region accelerates the construction of medical infrastructure to improve healthcare services, the demand for medical professionals is growing exponentially, and Saudi Arabia will need approximately 175,000 medical professionals by 2030.

Furthermore, a market intelligence report from the Colliers Healthcare & Education division said that as some 232,000 medical staff are currently expatriates and the majority of these jobs will have to be filled by Saudi nationals to meet the country’s Saudiification goals, demand will increase. will increase.

It is estimated that by 2030, Abu Dhabi, UAE will have a shortfall of about 11,000 nurses and 5,000 allied health workers, and Dubai will have a shortfall of about 6,000 doctors and 11,000 nurses. In Egypt, some 48,000 new healthcare workers will be needed.

Physicians and Nurses Density

The density of doctors and nurses per 1,000 people in the UAE and Saudi Arabia is higher than the average for the GCC countries, however, it is significantly lower than the international benchmark for developed healthcare systems.

Egypt has one of the lowest ratios of healthcare workers per capita in the Middle East. Although a large number of doctors are graduating from Egypt, the number of practicing doctors in the country is very low due to the brain drain of highly qualified doctors to the GCC and Western countries.

Saudi Arabia

Digging deeper into Saudi Arabia, the report says an additional 26,000 to 43,000 beds will be needed due to population growth (expected to reach 45 million by 2023) and the need for new healthcare facilities.

Demand will be higher as part of the drive to Saudiify the healthcare industry, with most of these jobs having to be filled by Saudi nationals. Currently, 60% of doctors (including dentists), 57% of nurses, 19% of AHPs and 61% of pharmacists, totaling about 232,000 medical professionals are foreign nationals.

Additionally, as the kingdom begins to adopt new medical technologies, it has resulted in a shift in demand from traditional curricula to advanced medical education. Artificial intelligence (AI), data analytics, robotic medicine, genome sequencing and short courses to enhance the skill sets of physicians, registered nurses (RNs) and AHPs to enable selection of specialist positions; all of which require additional facilities.

United Arab Emirates

Despite the significant increase in the number of healthcare workforces in the UAE, there is still a shortage of trained doctors/nurses, especially local professionals. The workforce gap involves not only doctors, but also nurses and other paramedics who make up the majority of the health workforce.

The density of doctors and nurses in the UAE is 2.9 and 6.4 per 1,000 people, respectively, higher than the average for the GCC countries, however, it is significantly lower than the international benchmark for developed healthcare systems. In addition, doctors and nurses are unevenly distributed within the UAE, with Abu Dhabi having the highest ratio of doctors and nurses to the population.


In Egypt, an additional 13,600 beds will be required due to population growth (expected to reach 115 million by 2030) and the need for new medical facilities.Demand for doctors, nurses, pharmacists and dentists will increase

There is an increasing demand for healthcare personnel to meet the growing population; with the introduction of Universal Health Insurance (UHI), the insurance started to increase the number of beds per capita to increase the accessibility of healthcare services.

Egypt’s rapidly maturing healthcare market is gaining momentum, but still has some way to go in narrowing bed shortages and controlling the growth of non-communicable diseases. Demand drivers of aging population, shortage of beds, and increase in population diseases are driving the huge demand for quality, healthcare, and hospital centers.

Advanced Medical Education

Mansoor Ahmed, Executive Director, Head of Development Solutions, Healthcare, Education and PPP, Colliers MEA Region, said: “As the region transitions to adopting new medical technologies, demand is shifting from traditional skill sets to advanced medical education.

“In addition to meeting the growing demands of new medical facilities, the advent of artificial intelligence (AI), data analytics, robotics, genome sequencing requires medical personnel to continuously improve their skills in order to be able to select specialized positions, leading to greater demand for medical education Institutional needs.

“Furthermore, there is an increasing tendency to create clinical pathways and connect with international medical schools to keep up with the latest innovations in the medical/educational field; this provides local employees with Opens the door to international markets amid a global shortage of medical personnel.” — trade arab news agency


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