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Saturday, July 27, 2024

EGA launches behavioral safety program


Emirates Global Aluminum (EGA), the largest industrial company in the UAE outside of oil and gas, is introducing SafeStart, an innovative behavioral safety program in the region, as part of the company’s journey to zero harm.

EGA’s safety performance already significantly outperforms global industry benchmarks. EGA now aims to eliminate the risk of serious hazards from its operations within this decade, an audacious goal never achieved by any industrial company.
EGA focuses on continuous improvement of all four safety factors – technical solutions including intrinsically safe equipment, organizational safety management systems, true safety leadership and human behaviour.

SafeStart addresses the human element of safety, arguing that haste, frustration, fatigue or complacency contribute to nearly all work and outdoor accidents. These mindsets can lead to four serious mistakes – eyes off task, mind off task, getting in or in the line of fire, and problems with balance, traction, or grip.

As the vast majority of incidents leading to injuries worldwide occur outside the workplace, the program aims to educate EGA’s employees on these mindsets and mistakes throughout their lives.

Abdulnasser Bin Kalban, Chief Executive Officer, Emirates Global Aluminum, said: “Our goal of eliminating the risk of injury is essential and ambitious for any industrial company. aspects. Everyone at EGA is responsible for their own safety and the safety of everyone around us. This program will allow us to identify psychological states that all humans are prone to fall into that could cause someone to get hurt.” – trade arab news agency


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