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Friday, July 26, 2024

Private Sectors Continue to Boom in Saudi Arabia and the UAE


Egypt’s Tourism and Antiquities Minister Ahmed Issa said that Egypt’s tourism industry has achieved record performance in the past six months, with an increase in the number of inbound tourists.

On Thursday, the Minister reviewed “positive indicators of inbound tourism to Egypt” at the Board Meeting of the Tourism and Heritage Support Fund, which had a positive impact on the Fund’s financial performance and revenue.

A statement from Egypt’s Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities said the number of inbound tourists during this period reached the highest level in the history of tourism in Egypt, compared with the highest level in the same period in 2010.

The Minister emphasized the need to measure and track the performance, quality and accuracy of available data about the sector and its activities, which is critical to making fact-based decisions that contribute to its development and progress.

According to official statistics, 11.7 million tourists arrived in Egypt last year, compared with 8 million in 2021.

The minister announced last month that Egypt received about 7 million tourists in the first five months of this year, with a target of 15 million by the end of the year.

Egypt is expected to attract between 180 and 20 million tourists by 2024.

According to Mohammad Othman, chairman of the Luxor Cultural Tourism Promotion Committee, there are several reasons for the positive indicators for inbound tourism.

Othman explained to Asharq Al-Awsat that successful archaeological discoveries in the previous period, the development of the Sphinx and Burnice Airport, and new government facilities for obtaining tourist visas have contributed to increasing tourism in the country.

Echoing the minister’s forecast, the expert agreed that by the end of this year, the country is expected to attract 15 million tourists, mainly from China, India and Japan.

Meanwhile, an Egyptian private jet made an “emergency” landing at Kazakhstan’s Aktobe International Airport after sending a false alarm in the luggage storage area, according to the Egyptian Ministry of Civil Aviation.

The Egyptian plane was flying from Sharm el-Sheikh airport to Nur-Sultan airport in Kazakhstan when the alarm sounded three and a half hours after takeoff, sources said.

The statement added: “We immediately took this warning seriously and complied with all internationally applicable aviation safety rules to extinguish the fire and land at the nearest airport.”

Sources confirmed that the pilot and co-pilot activated the fire suppression system and all alarm warnings on the plane ceased. They proceeded to the nearest landing airport, Aktobe Airport, where the plane landed safely.

Passengers were evacuated, as was the luggage store.

According to the Ministry of Civil Aviation, the airport authority reviewed all procedures adopted by the company and re-authorized the takeoff after ensuring that it applied all international standards of aviation maintenance and safety procedures.

It was confirmed that the fire detection system in the cockpit had failed and no traces of fire or smoke were found in any luggage compartments.

The plane continued to fly to Nur-Sultan Airport in Kazakhstan.


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