Melco Crown Entertainment Limited (MLCO) ranked top in its industry group investment observer. MLCO has an overall rating of 65. That means it scored better than 65% of stocks.Melco Resorts & Entertainment Limited ranked 96th Resorts and Casinos industry. Resorts and Casinos ranked 10th out of 148 industries.
What do these ratings mean?
Finding the best stocks can be tricky. Comparing companies across industries is not easy. Even companies with relatively similar businesses can sometimes be difficult to compare. investment observerThe tool allows for a top-down approach, letting you pick an indicator, find the top sectors and industries, and then find the top stocks in that industry. Our proprietary scoring system captures technical factors, fundamental analysis and the opinions of Wall Street analysts.which makes investment observerRegardless of your investing style, overall ratings are a great way to get started. The percentile ranking scores are also easy to understand. 100 is the highest score and 0 is the lowest. For a bunch of complicated ratios, instead of trying to remember what’s “good”, just note which numbers are highest.
What happened to the Melco Crown Entertainment Ltd stock today?
Shares in Melco Crown Entertainment Ltd (MLCO) were trading at $12.90 as of 1:30 pm on Wednesday, January 18, down $0.18 or -1.38% from their previous close of $13.08. So far, the stock has been trading between $12.76 and $13.38. Volume was light today. So far, 2,362,167 shares have traded against an average volume of 6,206,767 shares.
Click here for the full share report for Melco Crown Entertainment Ltd stock.
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