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Saturday, July 27, 2024

Sony will focus on delivering enhanced experiences in 2023


According to Sony, the rise of the Metaverse, the emergence of adaptive and generative AI, and 3D optics are the three key trends that will dominate the digital landscape in 2023.

The common desire to experience joy, wonder and amazement remains the same in 2022, and people look forward to similar experiences in 2023, evoking ‘kando’ or emotional connection.

Sony Middle East & Africa plans to see strong growth in the Middle East in 2022 as it supports the region’s growing media, entertainment and gaming industry with better services and products, and it will focus on delivering enhanced experiences through emerging technologies.

digital life

Joebin Joejoe, Deputy General Manager, Sony Middle East and Africa, said: “Increasingly, we are witnessing that people’s offline lives and emotions are deeply intertwined with their digital lives. At Sony, we believe that technology is a tool that can Adding more value and opportunity for richer, more sensual lives – in 2023 we will focus on delivering better experiences through emerging technologies.”

Rise of the Metaverse

The web is rapidly expanding into an interactive entertainment space, offering live experiences in the form of a metaverse that also offers a social element. Sony sees the rise of the Metaverse in 2023 from a less dystopian perspective, anticipating the rise of social and real-time cyberspaces where games, music, movies and anime intersect.

Sony’s wearable motion tracking system, Mocopi, makes virtual worlds more engaging and fun. Sony is conducting a PoC (Proof of Concept) with Premier League football club Manchester City to enable the next generation of online fan community and engagement by experiencing Metaverse content, just like they did at Etihad Stadium. Fans can create their own custom avatars, connect with millions of fans around the world, and access a variety of services to increase engagement.

The Emergence of Adaptive and Generative AI

The use of state-of-the-art AI will take off in 2023, especially adaptive and generative AI. Traditional AI can only individually detect and analyze pixels such as color, contrast, and sharpness, and the pixels are enhanced to a certain extent.

But the way we perceive the world is based on all kinds of information that travels from our eyes and ears to our brains. For example, the technology Sony employs in its Alpha 7RV mirrorless camera features an advanced AI-focused system that can accurately detect not only human faces, but also birds, animals, and insects. Likewise, Sony’s Cognitive Processor XR can simultaneously cross-analyze hundreds of thousands of elements and deliver immersive realism. Meanwhile, Sony’s new high-tech electric car Afeela will be equipped with artificial intelligence, virtual reality and augmented reality, representing a concept of interactive relationship, where people feel the feeling of interactive movement through sensing and artificial intelligence technology.

3D optical technology

The market for 3D content and animation will continue to grow in the coming years. Despite advances in 3D optical technology in recent years, the need for 3D glasses or precise viewing angles has limited the adoption rate and potential applications of 3D optical displays.

Sony’s Spatial Reality Display (SR Display) technology reproduces the real world with 3D spatial images on a 2D screen—so that purpose-built 3D content can be viewed with the naked eye without the need for special glasses or headphones. SR Display allows viewers to see the depth, texture and appearance of objects with a real sense of presence, reproducing medical images and product designs more realistically. — trade arab news agency


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