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Sunday, June 23, 2024

The United States is “fully committed” to the sale of F-35s to the UAE: US officials


The United States is still “fully committed” to the proposed sale of advanced F-35 Stealth fighter arrives United Arab Emirates, although Biden A senior US official in charge of arms exports said on Tuesday that the US government is slowing down the deal.

The U.S. Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Mira Resnick in the Biden administration also told the Associated Press Dubai Airshow The Gulf Arab partners do not intend to buy weapons from Russia as a hedge against US concerns about human rights in the region.

On Tuesday, a high-level Russian delegation met with Abu Dhabi’s powerful crown prince Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan at the air show, which highlighted Sukhoi Su, a competitor of the Moscow F-35. -75 Checkmate.

“The F-35 is already in this area, whether it’s an Israeli F-35 or an American F-35,” Resnick said.

“We hope the UAE can operate the F-35 in a way that (they) can become our security partners and prevent threats, including from Iran.”

The proposal to sell 50 F-35s was made at the end of President Donald Trump’s administration, and the agreement originated from the UAE’s agreement to recognize Israel.

The $23 billion in sales also includes armed drones and other defense equipment sought by the UAE, a federation hereditary ruled by seven emirates and the seat of Dubai.

After President Joe Biden took office, his new administration shelved arms sales and other matters.

Part of the reason is that the years-long war between the UAE and Saudi Arabia in Yemen has triggered the world’s worst humanitarian crisis and is raging today.

Only Israel flies the F-35 in the area, which is part of the so-called “quality advantage” granted by the United States after Israel has fought several wars with Arab neighbors since its founding.

Resnick said she has not heard of Israel or other allies’ concerns about the F-35 being sold to the UAE.

“We are fully committed to the F-35 and transfer the F-35, which will change the rules of the game in the UAE,” she said.

“We are working with them to ensure that the various guarantees made to the previous government are clarified.”

Resnick declined to describe what clarification the U.S. seeks or what assurance the Emiratis provided. The UAE also did not discuss the terms of sale.

Human rights issues have also affected the Biden administration’s arms sales to neighboring Saudi Arabia.

During the campaign, Biden himself promised to make Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman a “untouchable.” Earlier, US intelligence agencies stated that they believed that he ordered the killing and dismemberment of “Washington Post” columnist Jamal Ka in 2018. Shu Ji.

“We are working with Saudi Arabia to ensure that they can protect themselves. We know… this relationship and the complexity of relationships across the globe,” Resnick said.

“But we continue to reinvest and make sure they can invest in their defense.”

Fragments of American ammunition dropped by Saudi fighter jets were also found at the site where civilians in Yemen were killed in the country’s bombing attacks. When asked about these attacks, Resnick stated that the United States wanted to ensure “the use of American weapons in a way that promotes American national security.”

She said that the United States continues to work with partners to prevent civilians from being killed.

When visitors enter the Dubai Airshow, they will first see the local UAE defense company EDGE display various of its own ammunition. In recent years, both the UAE and Saudi Arabia have sought to improve their arms industries, in part to avoid their arms supplies being cut off due to Western concerns.

Russia also tried to impress people at the exhibition, flying a new attack helicopter and showing reporters a music video style checkmate on the tarmac.

But Resnick dismissed this effort, categorically stating that Checkmate has never discussed it with the Emirati “at least”.

“We haven’t seen any strategic competitors able to fill our role in the region,” Resnick said.


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