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Friday, July 26, 2024

UAE ranks third globally for excellence in digital government services


Wide adoption and delivery of quality digital government services and higher impact on emerging digital government services has placed the UAE in third place globally, according to a study.

According to a new Boston Consulting Group (BCG) study titled “Personal and Proactive Digital Government: Accelerating the GCC Journey,” digital government services have become an integral part of the daily lives of UAE residents.

According to BCG research, the UAE ranks among the top global Net Experience Scores for satisfaction with digital government services, at 79% by 2022. In addition, digital service offerings in the UAE have also received positive responses, with residents of the country ranking high in terms of frequency of access.

Overall, 62% of UAE respondents said they use digital government services at least once a week, compared to a global average of 49%.

customer expectations

“Covid-related services have become the benchmark for customer expectations through 2022 with their fast time-to-market, frequent new feature updates and advanced functionality. In fact, the most used digital government services in the GCC echo the global pattern, Covid-related services are ranked #1 regionally and globally,” said Rami Mourtada, partner and director of digital transformation at BCG.

“Overall, GCC countries (including the UAE) offer more complex digital government services, which equate to more complex transactions – including registering or using job searches, accessing Covid-19 services, and processing visas, residence or work permits – — all of which rank above the global average in terms of usage, where simple transactions like accessing information remain more prevalent.”

This level of integration is especially important given the high expectations people have. An overwhelming majority of GCC residents expect their government to provide services that rival the world’s best private companies or global digital leaders.

These include using available customer data to automatically fill in forms, customize or recommend additional products, and even automate complex tasks like travel bookings or loan approvals. As governments move into what has traditionally been the domain of the private sector, they must balance convenience on the one hand with privacy concerns on the other.

value exchange

“In addition to meeting compliance requirements such as providing minimum data, most residents are willing to participate in a ‘value exchange’ where providing personal data helps make their lives better or easier. A current regional example of personalization is DubaiNow in the UAE The digital platform integrates more than 120 government services, enabling customization and notification of important events and deadlines. “As an enabler for greater personalization and proactiveness, digital IDs like AI will become more prevalent in future digital government services. “

The Digital Government Citizenship Survey (DGCS) study included citizens and residents—spanning 40 countries, 26 digital government services, and nearly 30,000 individual responses—and highlighted other findings to understand broader trends in digital government service delivery.

Overall, GCC residents are satisfied with digital government services, appreciating benefits including understandable language, multi-platform accessibility and easy access to information. Meanwhile, real-time support and assistance was identified as a pain point, and other concerns in the UAE were related to personal information security.

artificial intelligence growth

“With artificial intelligence set to grow into a $118.6 billion industry by 2025, the UAE is stepping up its initiatives to drive market growth as part of a national strategy developed in 2017,” Littig added.

“But it is clear that one approach does not fit all – each country must find the level of personalized and proactive delivery that meets the needs and expectations of its citizens, without violating borders and trust.”

To this end, BCG has identified four factors that must form the foundation of any government’s digital agenda:

  • Trust and Transparency – Governments must be transparent about how data is collected, stored, accessed and used, and how breaches are reported.
  • Value Exchange – Customers willingly agree to have their data used in exchange for goods and services they value.
  • No secondary use of data – each consent should have a single purpose. Customers see secondary use or combined data as the creation of new data.
  • Right to Opt Out – Customers value their right to withdraw consent or opt out of services. The process should be simple and complete.

Strong adoption and delivery

“The Covid pandemic has driven widespread adoption and delivery, and has had an even greater impact on emerging digital government services. While the UAE government is performing well across many metrics, in a fast-paced, high-expectation, post-pandemic world China cannot afford to be complacent. It has the opportunity to be a leader in advancing personalized, proactive service delivery.

Semyon Schetinin, managing director and partner at BCG, concluded: “Overall, the UAE should continue to keep track of the changing needs of its people, while innovating and investing to drive efficiency, community benefit and, most importantly, value for residents and residents Technology.”

Copyright 2022 Al Hilal Publishing and Marketing Group, courtesy of SyndiGate Media Inc. (Syndigate.info).


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