BTS member Jimin was asked about his relationship with close friend Kim Taehyung in a recent interview weaver girlStay Friday. While all members of the ultra-popular boy group BTS admit they are like family, the relationship between Jimin and Taehyung has been receiving particular attention from fans. The duo exudes brotherly energy, and their interactions are loved by ARMYs everywhere.
In addition to being intimate, the two have revealed in the past that they would fight. Jimin even mentioned in an interview that since he and Taehyung are close, he is the one Jimin fights the most. Although the fights were never over anything serious, they mostly happened over small things like practice or food.
The ARMYs seemed curious about the current relationship between the two, and they asked Jimin on the stream if he still fights with his teammates.according to song of koreaSome fans thought the question was sudden, but Jimin took it in stride, saying: “Uh, Taehyung and I stopped fighting. You can only fight when you are young.“
BTS has been in the spotlight for a long time and has grown in front of fans. It seems that they have grown a lot since they were trainees, Jimin then asked: “What are you fighting for?“
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