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PODCALM®, Revolutionizes Well-being in the Workplace: The ADILSON Story

In the dynamic cityscape of Paris, a revolutionary concept in workplace wellness has emerged, driven by a visionary startup, ADILSON. Established in 2017, ADILSON has embarked on a mission to harness technology for enhancing mental and physical well-being. At the heart of its innovation is PODCALM®, a multisensory relaxation capsule designed to transform the way we approach rest and rejuvenation in our daily lives.

The Founding Vision of ADILSON

ADILSON’s journey began with a clear purpose. As the company states, “Founded in 2017, ADILSON is an innovative French startup dedicated to well-being through technology (sleeptech & welltech).” The company’s aim is profound and far-reaching: “Specializing in the design, manufacturing, and marketing of its patented innovation, the connected multisensory relaxation capsule named ‘PODCALM®,’ the company aims to make restorative relaxation accessible anywhere, anytime, and in under 20 minutes.”

This vision is rooted in a deep understanding of the modern workplace’s challenges – stress, burnout, and the constant struggle for work-life balance. ADILSON’s mission, as they articulate, is to offer a solution that fosters a healthy mind and body, thereby enhancing overall productivity and well-being.

The Breakthrough Product: PODCALM®

PODCALM® represents a paradigm shift in mental health and workplace productivity. ADILSON elaborates: “PODCALM® represents a significant advancement in mental health by reducing stress, enhancing concentration, and promoting mental recovery, all while increasing performance and productivity.” This innovation is not merely a relaxation tool; it is a gateway to a balanced life, offering employees and individuals the opportunity to recharge efficiently and effectively.

Innovation at the Core

The development of PODCALM® is a story of technological innovation and cross-disciplinary collaboration. ADILSON proudly states: “Thanks to our patented multisensory technologies, PODCALM® capsules offer the possibility to visually isolate oneself in a private bubble, comfortably lying on a chair in the ‘zero gravity’ position for quick relaxation and rejuvenating rest in optimal conditions, wherever you are and at any time.” This description underlines the cutting-edge nature of the product – a blend of advanced engineering, neuroscience, aromatherapy, and mindfulness.

The journey of PODCALM® is a testament to ADILSON’s relentless pursuit of excellence. Five years of research and development, conducted in France with the highest standards of quality and innovation, have led to this groundbreaking product. The company’s commitment to sustainability and local production is evident in their choice to design, manufacture, and assemble PODCALM® entirely in France, using eco-friendly and recyclable materials with an artisanal finish in alignment with the high-end luxury French art.

podcalm patented technology

Furthermore, the representative from the company told us, “PODCALM® represents a unique and patented technology, developed in collaboration with the Assistance Publique Hôpitaux de Paris as part of a Living Lab.

Recognition and Accolades

The innovative spirit of ADILSON and the excellence of PODCALM® have not gone unnoticed. The company has been the recipient of several prestigious awards and recognitions. “In 2018, we were honored as the ‘Lauréat RESEAU ENTREPRENDRE Yvelines,’ receiving an honor loan of €40,000,” the company remarks, highlighting the early recognition of their potential. Further accolades include reaching the finals of the “CES Awards” in Las Vegas in 2019 and being labeled “Happytech” by HAPPYTECH France in 2020. These achievements underscore ADILSON’s growing influence in the field of well-being technology.”

The Personal Inspiration Behind ADILSON

The inception of ADILSON is deeply personal. Adil ACHIBANE, the founder, was inspired by his struggles with insomnia and stress. He shares his motivation: “Faced with challenges such as insomnia, intense stress, and being a fervent advocate of power naps, I invented PODCALM® as a response to my own struggles, impacting both my health and professional performance.” This personal connection to the issue of workplace stress and fatigue gave birth to a unique solution that is now poised to benefit a wide range of individuals and organizations.

“As a mathematician engineer specialized in numerical mechanical simulation, Adil ACHIBANE accumulated rich experience within major players in the automotive and railway industry in France. From PSA Peugeot-Citroën to Renault, and through ALSTOM Transport, he observed the challenges employees faced: hierarchical pressure, daily stress linked to workload and tight deadlines, fatigue, and burnout. Faced with this realization, in 2017, he decided to find a concrete solution, giving birth to the PODCALM® concept.” said a representative from the company.

Initially conceived as a mobile application to be the “Airbnb of naps,” the project evolved into a connected object, an application linked to a physical capsule. ADILSON’s goal is to become the “Uber of relaxation,” offering users the ability to relax anywhere and anytime. The company supports the user throughout the value chain, from geolocation to the multisensory experience within the PODCALM®, through to the reservation.

PODCALM® offers a dual benefit by enhancing the well-being and health of employees while increasing their performance and productivity, all within less than 20 minutes.

A Comprehensive Solution to Workplace Stress and Fatigue

PODCALM® addresses the critical issues of stress and fatigue in a unique and comprehensive manner. The company explains the technology’s workings: “The PODCALM® multisensory capsule engages all four senses simultaneously for rapid disconnection and optimal recovery: Hearing is engaged through music therapy with 3D spatialized sound and vocal guidance promoting mindfulness meditation, smell is stimulated through aromatherapy, sight is captivated by light therapy, and touch is activated through vibrations positioned on specific points of the spine.” This multisensory approach is designed to provide a holistic experience, ensuring rapid relief and rejuvenation for employees.

We further got to know that, “PODCALM® introduces a groundbreaking approach to mindfulness and relaxation, utilizing a combination of sensory technologies that lead your brain into a state of focused presence. Drawing inspiration from neuroscience principles, it harnesses the brain’s ability to excel in monotasking mode, helping you live in the here and now.

This cutting-edge system combines aromas, carefully calibrated lights, soothing music, and gentle vibrations with mindfulness meditation to captivate your attention and trigger the release of endorphins, the feel-good hormones. It’s a powerful antidote to the stress hormone cortisol, making it especially effective as an anti-stress program.

PODCALM® offers pre-studied sensory programs accessible via an integrated touchscreen, personalized to cater to your unique needs. Whether you seek enhanced concentration, stress reduction, an invigorating nap, or just a moment of respite, the process is straightforward. Stand before the PODCALM®, answer two simple questions about your current needs and time availability (ranging from 5 to a maximum of 20 minutes), select your desired program, lie down, and let the multisensory experience unfold. The technology guides you seamlessly through the session, from preparation to relaxation and maintenance of a theta state of consciousness, culminating in a gentle awakening, leaving you conscious and refreshed. Explore the future of relaxation and mindfulness with PODCALM®.”

Where Simplicity Meets Complexity

Founder Adil ACHIBANE describes PODCALM® as “SIMPLEX” – an object that may appear simple but is technologically complex and full of ingenious features. This innovation was the result of an intensive 5-year period of research and development, bringing together experts from diverse fields:

“We brought together experts such as doctors, neuroscientists, mechanical and electronic engineers, industrial designers, ergonomists, sophrologists, psychotherapists, aromatherapists, chromo-therapists, and skilled upholstery artisans.” 

“Following feedback from our early users and necessary adjustments due to the COVID crisis, we innovated in the midst of the pandemic to design the PODCALM® you see today.”

The journey began with the launch of a telescopic wooden and metal PODCALM® product at the Consumer Electronic Show (CES) in Las Vegas in 2019. However, Adil ACHIBANE and his team didn’t stop there:

What sets this state-of-the-art relaxation technology apart is not just its simplicity but also its sustainability:

“It features a futuristic, lightweight, collapsible, repairable design, incorporating an automatic UV disinfection system inside. Additionally, it is crafted from eco-friendly materials and is 100% locally manufactured in France.”

Years of dedication have led to significant achievements in intellectual property:

“After these years of research and development, we have filed two patents, in addition to several design and model protections at the National Institute of Intellectual Property. We are currently in the validation phase for new patents in progress.”

PODCALM® is the embodiment of technological sophistication concealed beneath an elegantly simple exterior.

Core Values and Philosophy

The core values of ADILSON revolve around enhancing mental and physical well-being. The company emphasizes its commitment to this cause: “The core values of ADILSON focus on our commitment, at our scale, to the overall well-being of each individual, promoting their physical and mental balance, regardless of their origin, religion, or personal history.” These values underpin every aspect of the company’s operations, from product development to customer engagement.

User Experience and Impact

The impact of PODCALM® on its users has been significant. Dr. Arnaud DEPIL-DUVAL, Deputy Head of Emergency Department FOCH Hospital in France shares his experience: “PODCALM® allows for a real break, a deep recharge, especially during duty periods. It leaves you refreshed, enabling a return to activities with increased concentration, better operability, and improved mental state.” This testimonial underscores the tangible benefits of PODCALM® in high-stress environments like hospitals, where the need for quick and effective rejuvenation is paramount.

Future Plans and Expansion

Looking ahead, ADILSON is focused on continuing its trajectory of innovation and expansion. The company outlines its ambitious plans: “The company ADILSON is continuing its Research and Development efforts with the aim of industrializing PODCALM® for mass production.” This forward-looking approach is coupled with a strategic plan to establish manufacturing facilities on different continents, starting with Saudi Arabia or Dubai for the Middle East, followed by the United States and Asia. This global expansion strategy is designed not only to meet the growing demand for PODCALM® but also to reduce the company’s environmental footprint, in line with its commitment to sustainability.

Adaptable, Exclusive, and Globally Expanding

PODCALM® is distinguishing itself in the digital content arena with its adaptable and customizable solutions for various sectors. The company targets both the BtoB and BtoC markets with specialized product ranges. For BtoB, including professional environments like hospitals and wellness spas, they offer the PODCALM® “Icône” and “Prestige” ranges with offline accessibility. In the BtoC sector, for locations like airport lounges and hotels, PODCALM® provides connected products like the PODCALM® “Connect” and “Signature” ranges, accessible online.

A representative of the company stated, “Our focus is on creating user-friendly, efficient solutions that cater to the specific needs of our diverse clientele.” This approach has garnered a prestigious client base, including renowned institutions and companies across various industries.

With operations currently in France and Saudi Arabia, PODCALM® is planning for global expansion. “We’re strategically positioning ourselves to extend our reach globally, starting from 2024,” the representative added, indicating the company’s ambitious growth plans.

Evaluating Impact and Return on Investment

ADILSON provides a comprehensive framework for evaluating the impact of PODCALM®. The company describes their approach to measuring ROI: “Clients assess the return on investment using the embedded PODCALM system, which analyzes data recorded during each relaxation session.” This data-driven approach enables organizations to quantify the benefits of implementing PODCALM®, in terms of stress reduction, improved performance, and overall employee well-being.


In conclusion, ADILSON, through its groundbreaking product PODCALM®, is redefining the landscape of workplace well-being. The company’s commitment to leveraging technology for enhancing mental and physical health is not just changing the way we approach relaxation and rejuvenation; it is setting a new standard for employee care and productivity. As the company aptly puts it, “A healthy body is in a healthy mind, and vice versa.” This philosophy is at the core of ADILSON’s mission, driving its continued innovation and expansion in the realm of well-being technology.

Visit PODCALM at www.podcalm.paris to know more.

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