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Friday, July 26, 2024

UK Law Society President welcomed by Dubai’s Diplomat Business Club

Lubna Shuja, President of the Law Society of England & Wales, received a warm welcome from Dubai’s Diplomat Business Club during a reception attended by legal professionals and businessmen from various countries in the UAE, including British and Emirati representatives. Deputy Consul General Alison Hall was also present at the event.

Ambassador Javed Malik, President of the Diplomat Business Club, commended Lubna Shuja, the first Asian and Muslim President of the Law Society, for her role and highlighted the Law Society’s efforts to engage effectively with legal professionals in the UAE.

He emphasized the value of collaborations between businessmen and legal experts. He also expressed the Club’s support for initiatives that promote fruitful collaborations and benefit companies operating across jurisdictions with solid legal advice.

Lubna Shuja acknowledged Dubai’s significance as a hub for UK-qualified solicitors working at global law firms and in-house positions at major UAE companies.

Her visit reflects the Law Society’s commitment to strengthening regional ties and engagement with UAE legal professionals. Deputy Consul General Alison Hall appreciated the visit as a step toward expanding relations between the two nations, echoing the growing collaboration between the UK and the UAE.

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